Leek, mushroom and blue cheese risotto


A creamy and warming risotto with added crunchy hazelnuts.


  • 2 large leeks, finely chopped
  • 1 x box of chestnut mushrooms (or other type, as you like), cut into chunks
  • 200g gorgonzola or other blue cheese such as Stilton. I prefer gorgonzola for this as it melts to be very nice and creamy.
  • 200g hazelnuts
  • 2 cups arborio rice (I always do 1 small cup for 2 people, so adjust as you prefer)
  • Knob of butter
  • 1 x tablespoon of vegetable stock (I use Bouillon but you may choose your favourite type!)


Preheat oven to 200/Gas 5/6

Melt the butter in a medium size saucepan and add the chopped leeks, leave to sautee for about 7 mins on a low heat. Then remove the leeks from the pan, add a little more butter and pour in your rice, stir until the rice is coated in butter. Prepare your stock in warm water, I usually make around 1 litre but sometimes add a little more if needed. Pour enough of the liquid into the pan to just cover the rice and add the leeks again. Risotto needs a lot of stirring, so during the next steps make sure you are keeping an eye on the pan and stirring it frequently, add liquid in small amounts every few minutes.

Put your hazelnuts on a baking tray and put them in the oven for 15 mins, or until they smell like they are nice and roasted!

When the rice has begun to expand (probably about 10-15 mins in) add the mushrooms and continue stirring. When the hazelnuts are ready remove them from the oven and place on a wooden board, then cut into chunks using a large knife.

When the mushrooms are soft, start adding the gorgonzola – I usually tear it into small pieces rather than chopping it, and stir it into the risotto. Leave for 2 minutes to allow the cheese to melt.

Add the hazelnuts just before you serve so they don’t go soggy! Stir them in when the rice is just cooked.

Serve with some light green leaf salad like rocket or spinach!

Added by Kilombo 

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